Friends papi papi
Friends papi papi

  • Teary David Ortiz breaks his silence to reveal he almost died after nightclub shooting in the Dominican Republic and laughs off rumored $7,800 bounty on his head saying, 'You gotta pay a lot more than that to get me killed'.
  • Let me know your friendship red flags and must haves in the comments. Even if that means letting old friends go, or letting new friends in (because Drake was right about fake friends but wrong about new ones). Remember, you’re as good as the company you keep, so crop out those people who aren’t adding to your life and surround yourself with people who make you better. They’ll expose you to new experiences and challenge your beliefs. Friends who have different backgrounds, passions and interests bring fresh perspective into your life. Yeah, yeah, I know, birds of a feather flock together, but you should definitely have at least one friend who is nothing like you.
  • The friend who’s totally different from you.
  • They’ll also be an excellent reminder of what you’re working for. This is the friend whose advice you take and whose mistakes you learn from. Chances are, this person will be a little bit older than you, which is a good thing, because with age comes wisdom, and wisdom is never a bad thing. It’s great to have friends who are grinding their way to success alongside you, but it’s key to have a friend who is already at the top. Sometimes you’ll be salty because they served you the real-straight, no chaser-but you’ll be grateful for all the times they saved you from being the fool. This is the friend whose pep talks are punctuated by tough love. Want to know if your outfit is popping or your new business idea is actually interesting? Ask them. They’re not afraid to point out your bad decisions. This friend is going to tell you what you need to hear even if it isn’t what you want to hear. No one is an island, so make sure you have someone who’ll always have your back. They’re the person you can call at 3am and they’ll show up.

    friends papi papi

    It’s important to have the people who give of their time and give their support when you need it. I did a YouTube video with my friend Mandy-I’ve been doing an awful lot of Youtube videos time for a channel?-and we discussed the importance of having giving people in your life, especially if you are a giver yourself. They’ve seen you at your best and your worst and they love you either way. Your relationship is a no judgment zone, so you can bare all your ugliest secrets, deepest insecurities, and most embarrassing moments. Long absences and great distances are never an issue you just pick up where you left off. They intuitively know when you need a pick me up or a kick in the ass.

    friends papi papi

    But who gets to stick around? There’s obviously no magic formula but I’ve found my life feels more balanced with these particular positions filled (even if one person holds more than one).

    Friends papi papi movie#

    Do like that overplayed song from that overplayed Disney movie and let it go. Holding on is just prolonging the inevitable. Their time in your life is over, their purpose is served. Suck as it might, sometimes, you’ve just got to let people go. They get up to some activities that you don’t necessarily want to be associated with, and you know what they say about birds of a feather… It’s all doubt and criticism with this one. No matter how well you do, they don’t ever applaud your success. Similar to the energy vampire, except this person takes your time, your money, and whatever else you have to give and they give back diddly squat. Now you hardly talk, and when you do, it’s…awkward. They’re the one you were super besties with in high school. Their number pops up in your phone and you roll your eyes before you answer because it’s always complaints and misery.Ģ.

    Friends papi papi